As some know, one does not own property on the beach in Mexico if you are not from Mexico. To allow all of the foreigners to have the "rights" to the homes and land, we all enter in a "bank trust" agreement with a Mexican bank. We have "owned" the house now for two years or so, and we have had a hell of a time paying our bank is like they do not want us to pay it. I thought it was just Mexico, but this blog entry makes me think that there is more to it. They want to force us to be late....or not pay them on is part of the bank's plan (banks suck all over the world I guess), to get late fee's, etc out of you. And unlike in the US where you get a reminder notice for a bill....that does not happen in Mexico. You get nothing. You have to know when it is due and go pay; that is the same for your taxes, as well as phone bill, etc. In order to get this cleared up we sent a good friend of ours to the bank in Hermosillo. Her mother lives there and went to the bank directly for us. She found the guy we had been dealing with and had to wait for him, and got it paid....this article at least proves that we are not the only ones suffering with these tactics. year we are going to have to just pay it in person. It would have been great if the bank we had the trust with had a branch in town....but noooo.
Just one of the fun experiences one gets in having a house in a foreign country.