The Thanksgiving weekend was a odd one this year. Lourdes had things to do at home and Vincent was working so it ended up being my Mom and dad as well as Matthew at the beach house for the holiday. We had dinner on Thursday and left the house early on Friday for a three day week end. As was the norm, the weather was great. The trip down was very uneventful. We made the trip door to door in less then four hours. The new truck again did great and averaged around 20 mpg (sweet). We got a glimpse of the new lanes they are adding to the port of entry....looks like two new lanes. The crowd has really slowed since the hay day of 2006-2007 when a wait of over 2 hours happened quite often on a Sunday. But it will get back to those levels someday, and better to have the infrastructure now then having to wait for it to be built later, and I guess they had to hire an architect and a contractor for it!!!!...god bless the government (maybe??).....back to the trip.

Reef zone Matt caught his fish on our last trip.

Matt fishing.
We arrived around noon. Had some lunch and then Matt, my Dad, and I sent off to the estuary to see if Matt could show us where we had caught his fish last time. Although the tide was up Matt was convinced that he could just show up, toss in a line and catch fish....he learned that timing is important and we did not catch a thing. It is a good spot to fish, but not when the tide is in. That night was an easy one. We made up some carne on the grill, a couple of gin and tonics and got to see one of the best sun sets.

Great Sunset!

Carne on the grill
The next day I got couple quick things done around the house and we headed over to the beach by El Golfo. As we did the year before, we made the run over there to explore and see the old stomping ground. The temperature on Saturday was close to 75 deg and very dry. We got to the beach around 11 am as the drive from the house is a little over an hour. We aired down the tires and rolled out onto the beach. Unlike last year, for this day trip we did not have anyone on the beach but Mexican fishermen. The day was great looking for shells, and just hanging out. We drove all the way out to the reef near the second light house.

Air those tires the good old days!

Mom, dad and Matt on the salt flat.

No one on the beach.

The reef.

Matt fishing on the reef.
Matt and I tried fishing again (again due to the time of day it was close to high tide) with no luck, but it was fun to be out there with no one around, in late November in shorts...can not beat it. While we were getting a drink at the truck, two vehicles passed us and I thought the guy driving was in a suit and the girl was in a dress. We got the truck packed and I wanted to see where they were off to. Around the corner by where the estuary creates a canal by the light house they were taking wedding photos!!! Made for a nice way to end our day at the beach.
Wedding Photos on the beach.

Matt eating a snack.

Mom and Dad relaxing.
We got back to RP around 4:30. We aired up the tires at Pemex and ran down to the fish market to get some shrimp for the night. The fishermen are out in force right now and all of the seafood was very fresh. For 3 pounds of medium shrimp, all cleaned and de-veined we paid $12.00. I cooked them up that night on the grill with some peppers and butter. I was beat and by 9:00 pm I was off to bed. Matt stayed up a little longer and watched TV, but he looked like he had a full day as well. The next day I took a nice long walk on the beach and then had to get a few projects done at the house. With those complete, we packed a few snacks, got the truck packed and headed back home to Phoenix. The boarder was not busy at all for a Sunday and we had a 10 minute wait, and we were able to make the trip back in less the 4 hours again.