I am sure that no January could match last year; We had the perfect storm of the Super Bowl with the Cardinals in the big game, and RCPM all happening at the same time, and I got to see these events in Mexico...which was a blast. For those who can take the time look at last years post....even now typing this I just have to smile. But with those expectations aside, to get a chance to see RCPM again in the original "third world cantina" can not be passed up. For this trip I had Chris, Darren, and Gary.

We were able to get our of Phoenix around noon and made it to the beach by 4:00. The tide this week end was dramatic and the beach was very scoured by the big storm the week prior. Friday was nice...blue sky, and temps in the high 60's. We got the house set up and we assessed some of the storm damage. Clearly the house had sand in many spots inside, we did loose one of the patio ceiling fans to the storm, the windows were very dirt, but the view did not suck and we settled in. We played a round of beach golf, had a few beers, and cooked some great carne asada on the grill.

Chris brought some playing cards and we improvised some chips with tea candles and breath mints....I lost big as I
suck at poker; Chris won big on the "all in play" at the end. It was a long day for most of us and we got to bed around 1:00. The next morning was a replay of Friday's weather with clear blue sky's. Chris made a great breakfast of eggs and potatoes; I tried to recharge my brain batteries knowing that by 3:00 that day we needed to be ready for the fun that night.

A good walk on the beach that morning helped us all out....got the blood flowing and helped to clear my head. On our walk we found this dead eel on the beach....another first in all my years; About 18" to 24" long.
With a few cat naps, a lot of water, and soup we were all set to make our way over to JJ's for the show. Last year we arrived around 4:00 and found a table in the corner....we arrived around 3:30 this year and it was packed....so much for planning as everyone from last year learned that the only way you get a table is to get there around 1:00 and camp out, play cards and wait. But we were there at the show; the beer was gooood, we hung out, had some burritos, and waited for the show to start at dusk.

Our initial spot to watch the show got more and more crowded with people standing in front of us on a wall. We stuck it out for about 1/2 the show and then Chris met some people who shared there table with us on one of the lower tiers....which was great.

There is really nothing like a small setting to watch any band, and even better when you know all of the words to every song like most do at a RCMP show. The perfect setting, with good friends, good weather, and good times.....I wish we had more shots of the show, but it was good as always. When the show was over we walked back to the truck and as always happens you meet people who are just cool to hang out with. Last year we had thought there would be a good place to hang out after the show....that year it did not materialize. This year was very different as many people from the show hit Chango's right down the road. They had a live band and a great crowd. We stayed there until about 1:30 or so and then made the drive home. We were all beat and got to bed around 2:00.

Sunday came way too early. I just could not sleep past 8:00 (so 6 hours of sleep!!) and we had the perfect sleeping in weather. A fog bank rolled onto the beach and blanketed our little section of the world. Very cool. Chris made a good breakfast again, and I actually felt better on Sunday then I did on Saturday. Around 9:00 am Gerry and Steve came to the house to work on the future power hook up, so I would have had to have gotten up early anyway. We lounged for a little bit then got packed and the house closed up and headed home.....another January Jam in the books.
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